So, today was my first day back at school in years. First time I've been back in a secular environment for much much longer (we're not going to talk about that...). Was in Anatomy and Physiology lab. Today was the solar eclipse, too. We had our usual syllabus, first half of class was normal, had break to see the eclipse if we wished, returned to class, more notes - then my professor drops a bomb. Today we are dissecting cats.
I'm sorry, what?!
Half of the class just stared in disbelief.
We had groups of five. Ours were all girls. Two who were completely terrified/horrified, two of us who are mothers who have probably experienced far worse than even the bagged cat can imagine and then there was one girl who might need to be held back a bit because she was poking at ALL of the things. She cray. But useful.
I named it Fluffy, even tho it was hairless except for it's head. Thank you for your sacrifice fluffy.
In Fluffy we are reminded that the medical field is personal. That the people we work with are more loved than even the pets, like Fluffy. Fluffy might even be the start of saving lives one day from some of these students (aka, the ones who don't run screaming out of the door and drop the class before they hit the parking lot). I don't know what good Fluffy did for me, but I hope Fluffy didn't get bagged in vain.
As for dinner... I may pass on that for now.